Why Social media is a good thing?

 In my last blog post, I talked about social media's positive and negative effects. During this blog post, I will be talking about why Social Media is good. I know you guys are currently thinking about why are you kind of contradicting what you said during your last post. Well, let me tell you, my friends. 

The first reason why I am saying that Social media is good is that many people nowadays don't read the news as often and find out many things through social media such as Twitter. This a good way for many people young or old to get to know the news. I know for a fact I find out many things on Instagram or Twitter sometimes even Tik tok. Hence this is my first reason why Social media is a good way to find out what news is going around. 

The second reason why I am saying social media is good is we often struggle to talk to family who lives all the way across the world. I know that Social media allows me to talk to family, relatives and friends across the world. Whenever I travel to another country I know that I can use social media such as discord, Instagram, and WhatsApp to tell my family and friends what I have been up to. So let's say that I am now in Italy and I just visited the Colosseum. I can take a picture and post it on Instagram, when I do this I can interact with my friends who comment and like my picture which is so cool. I may be in another country but it is a way that I am still keeping in touch with those who I love and care about. I know that many influencers and celebrities will agree with this as they may travel more frequently to stay in touch with not only their family and their friends but also their fans. 

The third and final reason why I am saying that social media is good which I will be discussing in this blog post is that it is a way that we can share our passions with like-minded people. For example, those who love art can post their art journey on social media and those who also like art and love to look at other people's pieces can go like and comment what their favourite part of the art piece that they see, which I feel is very good. I know some people who have found good friends online from things they enjoy for example they have a passion for playing the same video game, or sport or they both want to start a business. Of course, these are some examples and it isn't always guaranteed that you and this person you met online will click straight away. That is something that you will have to keep in mind. 

I hope that through this post you can see that despite the negatives that I have slightly touched upon in my previous blog post not everything is like that. Yes, I did mention some extreme things in a post last week but that is because I have heard and read about those cases. of course, not everyone is like this and I know that not everyone will get affected or influenced by social media to do certain things but there is some effect. We live in a generation that is surrounded by tech and I know for a fact that it may increase by the time that we get to old age. Who knows what will happen. 

So taking on board the good things about social Media that I have mentioned in this blog post we can try to keep in mind that not everyone has a happy or good life. Social media is not a mirror of their personal life. Some people post everything about themselves on social media while others post the most important aspects of their life. Whatever people post we have to understand that we do not know what is happening in their brains when they see the responses that they get. 

In the next Blog post, you will see me talking about some other topic and stay tuned for it. Thank you for reading this post and see you guys next time.


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